Leadership Teams
Centenary Church is a United Methodist Church and has 13 leadership teams that help to oversee various functions of the church. You can learn more about each of these teams by reviewing their descriptions below or contact the church at 527-5441.
Missions Committee
To evaluate current and potential missional outreach projects, encourage the Centenary church family to grow in their awareness, engagement and participation in missions, communicate information and updates regarding current projects and to offer support to church family members that are in pursuit of personal missions projects. We will also strive to maintain a balanced focus on local, regional and international missions.
Here are some of the current Centenary missional engagement opportunities:
Modesto Union Gospel Mission - monthly and seasonal projects, The Food Initiative (formerly Interfaith Ministries), Salvation Army, Afghan Women’s Outreach Ministry, World Relief, Centenary-Standiford School Partnership, Love Modesto, Love Our Kids - Comfort Kit Drive, Partner’s International, Porch de Salomon (Panajachel Guatemala), Samaritan’s Purse - Operation Christmas Child, UMCOR - United Methodist Disaster Relief
Preschool Advisory Team
The Centenary Church Preschool Advisory Team is charged with providing direction and support to the Centenary Church Preschool program. The Committee functions under the direction of the Administrative Council to guide the preschool program in supporting the mission of Centenary Church and in maintaining the program’s operational and financial stability. The Preschool Advisory Team meets every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 pm via Zoom.
Stephen Leaders
Stephen Leaders help oversee the Stephen Ministry at Centenary. Stephen Leaders are trained by Stephen Ministry St. Louis staff at a week-long conference. Stephen Leaders interview potential care receivers, then match them with a Stephen Minister. Stephen Leaders train new Stephen Ministers in a 50-hour course. Then during their regular two meetings per month, leaders continue training the Stephen Ministers and also provide supervision for their caring relationships.
Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)
SPRC is the administrative unit at Centenary Church where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. SPRC serves Ad Council in an advisory capacity related to personnel administration. SPRC will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Board of Trustees (Trustees)
The Trustees have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the local church and of all property and equipment acquired directly by the local church. This includes annually reviewing insurance coverage, outside organization facility use, and accessibility by those with disabilities. Trustees will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Finance Team
The Finance Team's main responsibility is stewardship of Centenary's financial resources. This includes reviewing the monthly financial statements, setting the annual budget, overseeing internal controls, supervision of the money counters, ensuring the annual audit is completed, and working with staff on any audit recommendations. Finance Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Children's Ministry Team
Children's Ministry Team's main responsibility is planning for Sunday School, Family Events, mid-week Children's church, and Vacation Bible School. Children's Ministry encompasses preschool to grade 5. Children's Ministry Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Student Ministry Team
Student Ministry Team's main responsibility is planning for Sunday School, mid-week Youth Group, and special events. Student Ministry encompasses Grades 6-12. Student Ministry Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development's main responsibility is to prayerfully identify and develop leaders for various ministry areas. The committee will meet several times ahead of the annual charge conference, which usually happens in late November to identify and call leaders for the coming calendar year. If a vacancy occurs during the year, they will meet to fill it.
Administrative Council (Ad Council)
The Administrative Council has the general oversight of the administration and program of Centenary church. Its primary work is one of leadership. Leadership being the visionary, “big picture” work within the church, rather than the “detail work” that occurs on a daily basis by the staff and volunteers. The Administrative Council works with the other committees of the church, providing guidance, and direction. The Administrative Council evaluates objectives, adopts goals, authorizes action, determines policy, evaluates and approves staffing positions, and establishes budget based on recommendations of the other committees. The Ad Council meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 6:30 pm.
Samaritan’s Ministry Fund
The Samaritan Fund was established in the 1990s to provide monetary assistance to any church member, active constituent or family member through college age (if attending school full time) when a confirmed financial emergency arises. Funding for the ministry is provided by a special designated fund account, which is maintained through donations above and beyond regular giving to the church. The ministry and its resources are administered by a “guardian group” of up to seven members, including a lead coordinator, who receives and evaluates requests for assistance.
Spirit Salon Council
Spirit Salon Council is dedicated to selecting books that inspire women to further their journey on their path to God. They also keep the prayer avenue open so they may continue their daily talk with their Father about each other's needs. They foster the love we share together with each other and in mission for the world around us.
Choir Shepherds
The Choir Shepherds work as a team to support the choir by curating the music, fostering communication and fellowship, conducting weekly devotions, and maintaining the choir robes.
Lay Leader
The Lay Leader serves as the primary representative of the congregation. That involves being a partner in ministry with the pastor by praying, visioning, sharing and working together -- as well as being a partner with the church family, regularly communicating their concerns to the pastor and staff while providing information that addresses their issues. The Lay Leader also is involved in developing the church's discipleship, stewardship and leadership, and is a voting member of the Administrative Council and the Staff-Parish Relations, Finance and Nominating committees.
To evaluate current and potential missional outreach projects, encourage the Centenary church family to grow in their awareness, engagement and participation in missions, communicate information and updates regarding current projects and to offer support to church family members that are in pursuit of personal missions projects. We will also strive to maintain a balanced focus on local, regional and international missions.
Here are some of the current Centenary missional engagement opportunities:
Modesto Union Gospel Mission - monthly and seasonal projects, The Food Initiative (formerly Interfaith Ministries), Salvation Army, Afghan Women’s Outreach Ministry, World Relief, Centenary-Standiford School Partnership, Love Modesto, Love Our Kids - Comfort Kit Drive, Partner’s International, Porch de Salomon (Panajachel Guatemala), Samaritan’s Purse - Operation Christmas Child, UMCOR - United Methodist Disaster Relief
Preschool Advisory Team
The Centenary Church Preschool Advisory Team is charged with providing direction and support to the Centenary Church Preschool program. The Committee functions under the direction of the Administrative Council to guide the preschool program in supporting the mission of Centenary Church and in maintaining the program’s operational and financial stability. The Preschool Advisory Team meets every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 pm via Zoom.
Stephen Leaders
Stephen Leaders help oversee the Stephen Ministry at Centenary. Stephen Leaders are trained by Stephen Ministry St. Louis staff at a week-long conference. Stephen Leaders interview potential care receivers, then match them with a Stephen Minister. Stephen Leaders train new Stephen Ministers in a 50-hour course. Then during their regular two meetings per month, leaders continue training the Stephen Ministers and also provide supervision for their caring relationships.
Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)
SPRC is the administrative unit at Centenary Church where staff and congregational interests are integrated to focus on the mission of the church. SPRC serves Ad Council in an advisory capacity related to personnel administration. SPRC will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Board of Trustees (Trustees)
The Trustees have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the local church and of all property and equipment acquired directly by the local church. This includes annually reviewing insurance coverage, outside organization facility use, and accessibility by those with disabilities. Trustees will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Finance Team
The Finance Team's main responsibility is stewardship of Centenary's financial resources. This includes reviewing the monthly financial statements, setting the annual budget, overseeing internal controls, supervision of the money counters, ensuring the annual audit is completed, and working with staff on any audit recommendations. Finance Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Children's Ministry Team
Children's Ministry Team's main responsibility is planning for Sunday School, Family Events, mid-week Children's church, and Vacation Bible School. Children's Ministry encompasses preschool to grade 5. Children's Ministry Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Student Ministry Team
Student Ministry Team's main responsibility is planning for Sunday School, mid-week Youth Group, and special events. Student Ministry encompasses Grades 6-12. Student Ministry Team will meet on a regular basis, usually monthly.
Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development's main responsibility is to prayerfully identify and develop leaders for various ministry areas. The committee will meet several times ahead of the annual charge conference, which usually happens in late November to identify and call leaders for the coming calendar year. If a vacancy occurs during the year, they will meet to fill it.
Administrative Council (Ad Council)
The Administrative Council has the general oversight of the administration and program of Centenary church. Its primary work is one of leadership. Leadership being the visionary, “big picture” work within the church, rather than the “detail work” that occurs on a daily basis by the staff and volunteers. The Administrative Council works with the other committees of the church, providing guidance, and direction. The Administrative Council evaluates objectives, adopts goals, authorizes action, determines policy, evaluates and approves staffing positions, and establishes budget based on recommendations of the other committees. The Ad Council meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 6:30 pm.
Samaritan’s Ministry Fund
The Samaritan Fund was established in the 1990s to provide monetary assistance to any church member, active constituent or family member through college age (if attending school full time) when a confirmed financial emergency arises. Funding for the ministry is provided by a special designated fund account, which is maintained through donations above and beyond regular giving to the church. The ministry and its resources are administered by a “guardian group” of up to seven members, including a lead coordinator, who receives and evaluates requests for assistance.
Spirit Salon Council
Spirit Salon Council is dedicated to selecting books that inspire women to further their journey on their path to God. They also keep the prayer avenue open so they may continue their daily talk with their Father about each other's needs. They foster the love we share together with each other and in mission for the world around us.
Choir Shepherds
The Choir Shepherds work as a team to support the choir by curating the music, fostering communication and fellowship, conducting weekly devotions, and maintaining the choir robes.
Lay Leader
The Lay Leader serves as the primary representative of the congregation. That involves being a partner in ministry with the pastor by praying, visioning, sharing and working together -- as well as being a partner with the church family, regularly communicating their concerns to the pastor and staff while providing information that addresses their issues. The Lay Leader also is involved in developing the church's discipleship, stewardship and leadership, and is a voting member of the Administrative Council and the Staff-Parish Relations, Finance and Nominating committees.