Christmas Devotional Revisited 2022
December 1st
Centenary Christmas Devotional from 2009
You may be saying to yourself, “Isn’t this a Christmas study? Why are we reading in the Psalms?” This Psalm talks about redemption which is defined as “recovering ownership by paying a specified sum.” Jesus recovered ownership of us by paying the price for our sin. When this Psalm was written, the Psalmist did not know that God’s Son would be the one to bring full redemption.
In this study, I challenge you to understand that the individuals mentioned in the beginning of the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew do not know what you know. They did not have, as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story.” Their response to God was not based on a full understanding that Jesus would have a ministry, be tried as a criminal, be crucified, be raised from the dead and change history as they knew it. Yet, even without this information, they chose to be obedient and to wait on God. How can their examples of faith teach us in our current circumstances?
Digging Deeper
3. Today, are you in situation that requires you to wait? If so, ask God to show you what it means for
you truly to put your hope in Him in this situation.
In this study, I challenge you to understand that the individuals mentioned in the beginning of the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew do not know what you know. They did not have, as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story.” Their response to God was not based on a full understanding that Jesus would have a ministry, be tried as a criminal, be crucified, be raised from the dead and change history as they knew it. Yet, even without this information, they chose to be obedient and to wait on God. How can their examples of faith teach us in our current circumstances?
Digging Deeper
- Who is the psalmist crying out to (vs. 1)? What kind of cry does he have (vs. 2)?
3. Today, are you in situation that requires you to wait? If so, ask God to show you what it means for
you truly to put your hope in Him in this situation.
Suggested Prayer: Pray for a friend or family member who does not know Jesus.
A Special Christmas Gift Memory from Dottie S.
When I was 12, my mom gave me a long red coat. (I wanted it so bad, because I had completed my Bible study at church). I almost didn’t get it because I peeked into where she had hidden it before Christmas.
When I was 12, my mom gave me a long red coat. (I wanted it so bad, because I had completed my Bible study at church). I almost didn’t get it because I peeked into where she had hidden it before Christmas.